Saturday, September 25, 2010

So Yesterday

So, in exactly one week my family and I will be on our way to the Happiest Place on Earth, Disney World!!!!!  I am so freakin' excited you have no idea!  Oh and if anyone knows how, I would really appreciate it if I could get some help with my header. I don't know how to make it centered.

I don't think I ever showed you the coolest folders ever made that I got for school. Well, bam here you go.
Awesome right?!

A few weeks ago I went through this phase where I made smores in the microwave like every night. They were delicious and I wish I still had more.

Sorry about the shortness and pretty much useless info. that is this post. I will hopefully have something more exciting when I am not dying of sleepyness. Untill later. (Title from Hilary Duff song)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am pretty jealous for you going to Disney. It really is the happiest place on earth