Friday, January 14, 2011

The Truth

Truth #1: This was the only day we had school this week on account of snow, and I got out at 11:25 cause I only have 2 classes! But, we will have to make up 3 days, which is really sad :( We had the most snow I am pretty sure I have ever seen in my life! It was like 8 inches! (that's what she said haha)

Truth #2: I am obssessed with Tumblr! The other night, it was really late and me and my friends were like hey lets get Tumblr's, so we did, and stayed up till 4 on it. We decided Tumblr is the ultimate trolling website. Ha. (My link for this and all other websites is in the sidebar)

Truth #3: I am stressing about things that I really shouldn't be yet. For example I am stressing about what to do about prom, and prom isn't until April! Crazy, I know.

Truth #4: I think senior year is going by way too fast! It always seems like the years go by really slow, and now when I want it to go slow, it is flying by, and I don't like it! I don't feel like I am old enough to be graduating. I feel like I need more time before it's all over.

Truth #5: Last night I ushered for a play, and when I was driving home there was a big patch of ice at the stop sign in my neighborhood. So, I am driving along and try to stop at the stop sign and my brakes don't do anything, and I just slide! It was scary, but there were no other cars so it was alright.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2010 in pics

So, sorry it didn't get out the next day, but things happened and got in the way. But tomorrow will be the third day in a row my school will be out for snow! I'm pretty sure that is a school record! We are usually lucky to get one every other year. haha. But more on that later. Without further delay here was my year in pictures.



Hope your year was as exciting as mine and looking foward to a great 2011.

Monday, January 3, 2011

goodbye 2010, hello 2011

So, as 2010 has come to a close I figured it would be a good thing to have a recap of my year. Here is what I have accomplished (or more like done funwise) this past year.

      -had a snow day
      -best friends birthday/surprise party
      -Mom's birthday
      -my birthday
      -Chelsea's birthday
      -our chocolate birthday party
      -another snow day
      -met one of my now best friends
      -Interact Convention
      -Spring Break
      -took the ACT ugh!
      -started Zumba
          -Junior prom
      -Dance recital
      -graduation for my senior friends :(
      -work at the baseball fields
      -best friend left for AL
      -CMA Fest
      -Riverbend Fest
      -senior pictures eek!
      -4th of July
      -lots of tie dye parties
      -first day of senior year
      -Katie's 9th birthday party
      -beginning of epic football season
      -more football games
      -Disney (sorry I never posted that, I'll post a picture recap tomorrow)
      -MTSU homecoming game for A's birthday
      -National Honor Society Halloween party
      -football playoff games
      -LAX tourney with bff
      -UTC visit day with other bff
      -Black Friday shopping at midnight
      -NHS Christmas party
      -snow day
      -Christmas Concert of chorus
      -Movie and game nights
      -Christmas awesomness
      -Battle of the bands in Nashville
      -Music City Bowl
      -New Year's Party epicness
It was a pretty epic year and I hope that 2011 will top it! So, until tomorrow.