Monday, June 28, 2010

Let her cry, if her tears fall down like rain

So, the other night I rented Remember Me. If you remember I had read about the ending and was very upset about it, so I never actually saw the movie in theaters. Well, I watched it, loved it, realized at the end what was about to happen, and when it did I started bawling. It was terrible. I mean I knew it was gonna happen, but that didn't help at all. It was still bad. I was just thankful that I was alone when I watched it and not in a theater full of people. So, after I was done watching it I was just sitting here and I got to thinking about other movies that make me cry. Here are some examples: The Notebook, Dear John, The Last Song, Pearl Harbor, Titanic, and A Walk to Remember. Just to name a few.

In other movie news I have recently seen Shutter Island, The Lovely Bones, and the absolutely amazing Toy Story 3. What have you been watching lately and what makes you cry?

P.S. I am working on changing my blog's look. If anyone knows how to make it wider without have to use one of the blogger default things please let me know :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

CMA Fest 2010

So, last Thursday was the day I had been waiting for since school got out. If you couldn't guess by the title of this post or the big picture right next to this I'm talking about the CMA Fest. It pretty much rocked! It all started in Murfreesboro to check into our hotel and eat at the ever delicious Demos'. We then made our way to Nashville. When we got there first thing this lady was like do you want to get an autograph from Randy Montana and we were like sure so I now have a personalized autograph from him. Yay! And no we did not know who he was. So a few steps later we got some free Dr. Pepper. Awesome. Then we went on to get free frapaccino's from McDonalds. Delicious. And then we went and got into all the action and got some free ice cream
and like a million things of free mac and cheese. It was great we just kept going back for more! And then to top off all our free stuff we got these really cool Fest bags that are like those recycle bags you buy at the grocery store except they were over the shoulder. They are pretty awesome. So, after that we ended up meeting this other almost famous guy named Andy Velo. He was really cool and we got a picture with him and his whole band. We did a whole lot of other cool stuff down town but I don't want to bore you with every detail so on to the
concert part. Well, first off it took a million years to get food because they ran out of pizza at the pizza stand. I mean how sad is that. So, we finally got food and it took a million more years to get to our seats in the nosebleeds. Ugh! They really turned out not that bad except for the fact that it was kinda hard to hear them when they just talked our you didn't know the words to a song. So, it started off with Danny Gokey from American Idol and he was pretty good, and then  it was Alan Jackson. He was good, but he talked a lot which we cound not understand. And then the greatest of the greats played, Tim McGraw! He was so amazing! I mean he could have played the entire night and I would have been just fine with that. It was absolutely incredible. I would post one of the videos I took of him, but you can hear me singing in like evey one and I know no one wants to hear that so sorry. But after he left the stage and we were all sad Jason Aldean played. He was pretty good and it turned out I knew more of his songs than I thought I did and it was good. But during his show we decided to go down to the tables to see if we could hear better. We could, but we couldn't really see very well. But after him Lady Antebellum played and we wanted to see so we stood on the tabels and bench things around them and it was great for a long time until security made us get down. But there was this really nifty wall that we could hold our cameras over and could get really good pictures and videos. Lady Antebellum was really amazing. I
really loved them before, but after that I loved them even more. And then last but certainly not least was Carrie Underwood. Can you say amazing. I mean like ridiculously amazing. At one point she sang How Great Thou Art and like everybody there was amazed. And then to top it all off at the end she sang Paradise City! I mean it doesn't get better then that. So, I hope you enjoyed this monstrously long post. But, here are some more pictures from our fun day!


So, how has all of your summers been so far.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

California Gurls

I am absolutely in love with that song. It's so catchy. Well, school is over! Pretty exciting, but one of my best friends is moving at the end of the week so that's sad, but she's not moving too far away so I'll still get to visit her. So, now that it's summer I plan on having lots of awesome times. Starting next Thursday with CMA Fest! WOO! I'm so excited you don't even know. I don't really have that many other plans yet, and I only have work for only 4 days that I know of. It kinda sucks cause I won't get as much money as before, but it's nice at the same time cause I'll have more free time. But whatever. This summer I'm just gonna go with the flow and have as much fun as possible!