Monday, March 7, 2011

Last Convention

So, this past weekend was my last Interact convention that I will attend as a participant. I hope one day that I will be able to go back as a chaperone or something else like that, but for now that over. It makes me so sad to think that after three years I won't be going anymore. But this year was so much fun. We even won third place in the talent show for large group talent. We did this synchronized swimming thing and apparently everyone thought it was hilarious. If someone posts the video I'll link it. Me and the other girls I roomed with took Saloon girl pictures and they are so cute! I'll share those too. (In fact, I'll probably just make a picture post after I get them all.) On Sunday, before we left during session we had an amazing speaker. His name was Scott Shickler. He was one of the most inspiring people I have ever heard a speech from. The things he said just made me really think about what I was passionate about and what will truly make me happy. I realized that I'm going to have to start making decisions based purely for myself and not based on what others think I should do. His foundation website is and I would greatly recommend checking it out, especially the 7 mindsets to your ultimate life. Overall, I had an amazing weekend and wish I had more time there to learn and experience more greatness.