Friday, January 29, 2010

Can't Hardly Wait

Thst is the movie that I am watching at this moment and I believe that everyone should go and watch it, seriously. So, I'm really not so good at this blogging thing. I never can really think of anything to post like ever, and when I can I don't have time to actually blog, and by the time I do have time I forgot my great idea. It's a pretty sad story. So as always I will just tell you of things in my life.

So I finished my term paper which is like a huge weight off of my shoulder. So that is part of the reason for lack of blogging. At first it was to just work on it and then I just needed a lot of time to recover. If I never had to do one again I would more than be happy, but unfortunately I know I will have more. Sad.
I got some really cool dance footundies. I have needed some of these for like 2 years, but I finally just went and ordered myself some. They are amazing!

Scrubs! This is the funniest show ever that I had never wanted to watch. But after hearing Chelsea talk about its funnyness for so long I decided to watch. And it was amazing. Everyone should watch it!

I wish I could be as cool as the guys from The Buried Life. Like literally I wish I could just marry one of them or even just meet them. One of these days I will get around to making my own list of a hundred things to do.

So me and Chelsea are going to have the most awesomest Chocoholic 17th birthday party there ever was. Yea, it's gonna be awesome. And then we are going to see the most awesome movie of all time to ever come out, Dear John! Hooray!

Well, that's all I have to say right now and tonight I will finally watch The Hangover and see what everyone is so in love with. I will let you know what I think later. Oh yeah and we got out of school early today! Hooray! But boo to the school board for making us go at all.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Recap continued

Well, I have kinda been putting off writing this post cause I was waiting to get pictures from the trip and I got some but not all so I will post what I have now and the rest later when I get them.

So after our long night of reading we had to get up at 8:00 in the morning to go to ICE in Nashville. Surprisingly none of us but Katie fell asleep in the car.
This is us on the way there. You can't see Chelsea because she's behind Kristin's head.

So when we got there we got our big huge very blue parkas because it is nine flippin' degrees in there. If you have never experienced nine degrees you should feel lucky. It is not a very pleasent degree. But the parkas, earmuffs, scarf and gloves did help some. So the theme for ICE this year was a Charlie Brown Christmas and it was pretty awesome.

The awsomely slide that went very fast.


Me and Chelsea in our cool parkas and trying to keep our faces from freezing off.

Our whole entire group minus the mom's.

After we finished all the ICEness we walked on over to the Opryland Hotel for a long journey of looking at every possible thing to look at. Pictures to come. So I believe the next eventful night was New Year's. Chelsea, Brittney, and Loretta came over and we had lots of fun playing games and drinking 8, yes 8 bottles of sparkling grape juice. We were pretty wired.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's a miracle

Now let me tell you guys this story. I live in a town where snow days come not yearly but about every 2 or 3 years. Yes, it is so sad I know. But tonight a miracle occured. WE DO NOT HAVE SCHOOL!!!!!!!! This is the greatest news of like ever. So tomorrow I will be sleeping in and having a wonderful snow day tradition lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. I'm excited. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Promise

Well I know I promised to finish talking about my break. But when school started I have had all too much stuff to do like my Economics homework that is way to difficult for someone like me to understand and I have had to do lots of copying for my English research paper. But don't worry I will get around to finishing maybe be Thursday but if not, this weekend for sure Happy rest of the week!

Friday, January 1, 2010

This week recap

Well I have been trying to come up with something awesome to write about to like bring closure to 2009, but I came up with nothing.
I know pretty sad but everything I could think of would require hours of looking up pictures all over my computer from when my computer crashed, so everything was pretty much out. So instead I will tell of the awesomness of the last week of 2009.
Well how about we start at Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve our family had presents with my mom's friend from Memphis and the Stricklin family.
In all of that wonderfulness I recieved an awesome necklace, a new clock that lights up, some fun socks, and a picture of me and Katie.

Mine looks like that "A" one.

Then we got to open another present from our parents like we do every year before church and I got a cool sweater from American Eagle.
We then went on to church and all that good stuff and went to my granny's for Christmas with that family. We had lots of good food and fun with my little cousin. Oh and I got all the seasons of The O.C. (except 3) and season 2 of Gossip Girl and Dear John (best book ever), The Time Traveler's Wife and The Carlyles Gossip Girl.

We then went home to sleep. Then Christmas morning came. It was very exciting. All week long my family had had a debate about Hardee's being open on Christmas so for first breakfast we had Hardee's.
We then got to do our Santa presents. They were awesome. Among the greatness were giftcards to Hollister and American Eagle, a guitar, an ipod car jack, and some movies.

The guitar looks like this but without the blue, it's black instead.

We then went to our other Grandma's for that Christmas breakfast which usually takes place around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. But I get to hang out with my favorite cousin Kera. So it's all good. Then we finally got to eat and everybody just kinda hung out until presents and then we came back home for some much needed rest time.
We then went back to Grandma'a later for dinner which was soooooo yummy. I can just taste it now, but anyways. After that we came home and spent the whole night relaxing.

The next day was so much fun. We had family game night with the Stricklin's and Chelsea. First, we played us some Wii Fit Plus, which I must say is very entertaining, especially the chicken flap game. Oh if only you could have seen it the first time. Bahahahahahahahaha. We then played a very tough round of Trivial Pursuit, kids vs. adults, and very surprisingly the kids won. It was great and then we played some Apples to Apples. I had never played before and I now regret what I was missing all those years. The best game ever.

Well after all of our late night fun. When it was time to go to bed instead of being good little children, what did me and Chelsea do you might ask. I am ashamed to say that we stayed up until 3:30 watching The O.C. and reading Dear John. I know it's so sad especially since we were to get up at 8:00 the next morning to go to Nashville. But we did.

Well it's getting kind of late and I'm getting tired so I will continue with my recap. tomorrow night.