Truth #1: This was the only day we had school this week on account of snow, and I got out at 11:25 cause I only have 2 classes! But, we will have to make up 3 days, which is really sad :( We had the most snow I am pretty sure I have ever seen in my life! It was like 8 inches! (that's what she said haha)
Truth #2: I am obssessed with Tumblr! The other night, it was really late and me and my friends were like hey lets get Tumblr's, so we did, and stayed up till 4 on it. We decided Tumblr is the ultimate trolling website. Ha. (My link for this and all other websites is in the sidebar)
Truth #3: I am stressing about things that I really shouldn't be yet. For example I am stressing about what to do about prom, and prom isn't until April! Crazy, I know.
Truth #4: I think senior year is going by way too fast! It always seems like the years go by really slow, and now when I want it to go slow, it is flying by, and I don't like it! I don't feel like I am old enough to be graduating. I feel like I need more time before it's all over.
Truth #5: Last night I ushered for a play, and when I was driving home there was a big patch of ice at the stop sign in my neighborhood. So, I am driving along and try to stop at the stop sign and my brakes don't do anything, and I just slide! It was scary, but there were no other cars so it was alright.
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