Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lauren Conrad Book Signing

So yesterday my friend Erica and her mom and aunt took me and her to Green Hills for a Lauren Conrad book signing. It was one of the greatest things ever. Before going to the actual signing we went to the mall there and looked at all the amazing stores like Luis Vuitton and Tiffany's and wished we could buy all the stuff. But then we went back to Davis-Kidd where the signing was and kinda waited around for like half an hour and then lined up. We waited in line for about thirty minutes before she actually came out. But then it went by so quick. We really just went up there and she signed her initials and we went right along. We couldn't take pictures with her but we could take pictures of her so I got a few but there not too great. And she wasn't doing personalization but at least I got to meet her. Now I cross her off of my people to meet list.
her signature

the back of her

me getting my book signed


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