Saturday, July 16, 2011

I know I suck at blogging...

But I am going to try working on that. I have just become so caught up in life and Tumblr that I have just not regular blogged. It has also been due to lack of motivation but I have some of that back now and am going to try to stay motivated and come up with entertaining things to post so be on the lookout for more regular posts. (And by regular I mean like once a week or every 2 weeks.)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Two weeks ago I went to Panama City Beach with one of my best friends, her mom, sister, and three of her sister's friends for a week. It was amazing! We had so much fun! Laying on the beach, shopping, eating, taking pictures with random guys at the mall, and going to the slingshot were just some of the many adventures we had while there. We even had a grenade whistle and flute! Haha It was priceless watching the people on the strips faces when they heard the flute! All in all it was such a great trip that we decided that's where we are going to take our senior trip this summer! I can't wait for that! But for now enjoy some pictures from our lovely time!


Monday, April 4, 2011

One Day Without Shoes 2011

Tomorrow is TOMS annual One Day Without Shoes! This is a day where people around the world go barefoot for the day to raise awareness of TOMS and why they do what they do. TOMS is a One for One organization. This means that for every pair of their shoes sold, a pair of their shoes is given to a child in need all over the world. One Day Without Shoes is to get people talking. If you aren't wearing shoes people will wonder why you aren't and ask you thus spreading the word of TOMS. The day gives people a feel of how children all over the world go their whole lives without shoes. It may be cold, dirty, or rainy, but this is just one day without shoes to help prevent children from a life with no shoes. So, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, if possible go without shoes. (If you can't go actually barefoot, you can always go virtually barefoot!) Afterall, it's just one day. For more information visit

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Talent Show

So, seeing as me and my friends are seniors we decieded we didn't care what we did this year, and entered ourselves in the talent show. After doing the one here we decieded why not. So, we gathered a group which in the end did include some juniors and came up with a blacklight dance. What is this you ask? It's just where we wear all black with orange duct tape stick figures taped to it with painted orange faced and ribbons and neon zip ties in our hair. We then turn out all the lights and have blacklights and dance. It's super cool looking. We didn't end up winning anything, but we had the best time ever just hanging out and practicing it for the weeks leading up to it! One of the guys even said he wanted to do another one next year which was really cool. Me and two of my friends made up the dance and one of their boyfriends made the song mix for us. It was so cool! I am so glad I got to hang out with all of those people because we were such a random group, but ended up having the most fun together, and I will miss hanging out with them everyday!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Last Convention

So, this past weekend was my last Interact convention that I will attend as a participant. I hope one day that I will be able to go back as a chaperone or something else like that, but for now that over. It makes me so sad to think that after three years I won't be going anymore. But this year was so much fun. We even won third place in the talent show for large group talent. We did this synchronized swimming thing and apparently everyone thought it was hilarious. If someone posts the video I'll link it. Me and the other girls I roomed with took Saloon girl pictures and they are so cute! I'll share those too. (In fact, I'll probably just make a picture post after I get them all.) On Sunday, before we left during session we had an amazing speaker. His name was Scott Shickler. He was one of the most inspiring people I have ever heard a speech from. The things he said just made me really think about what I was passionate about and what will truly make me happy. I realized that I'm going to have to start making decisions based purely for myself and not based on what others think I should do. His foundation website is and I would greatly recommend checking it out, especially the 7 mindsets to your ultimate life. Overall, I had an amazing weekend and wish I had more time there to learn and experience more greatness.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scary thoughts

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to go to UTK for college. I dreamed about going there and being in a sorority and making tons of friends and having the time of my life. Then one day that was no longer the dream. I don't know what changed my mind, it just happened one day. And now, I only find myself second guessing everything. One day I wanna go to UTC, the next I want to stay at Motlow for a year, and occassionally I just want to go to MTSU. I always said I would never go to MTSU, but one day it didn't seem so bad anymore. It's still my last choice but sometimes I think it would just be easy. I'm too scared to actually commit to choosing one place because I'm scared I will regret it. That no matter what I choose to do I will unhappy and think I made the wrong decision. I'm scared that if I go away I'll end up hating it and come back home after a semester and feel like a failure. I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life, and don't feel like I'm old enough to decide, so why is it that this is the age people want you to? I talk myself into changing my mind at least twice a day, but pretty soon I'm gonna have to make a definate decision and I'm not ready to.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Truth

Truth #1: This was the only day we had school this week on account of snow, and I got out at 11:25 cause I only have 2 classes! But, we will have to make up 3 days, which is really sad :( We had the most snow I am pretty sure I have ever seen in my life! It was like 8 inches! (that's what she said haha)

Truth #2: I am obssessed with Tumblr! The other night, it was really late and me and my friends were like hey lets get Tumblr's, so we did, and stayed up till 4 on it. We decided Tumblr is the ultimate trolling website. Ha. (My link for this and all other websites is in the sidebar)

Truth #3: I am stressing about things that I really shouldn't be yet. For example I am stressing about what to do about prom, and prom isn't until April! Crazy, I know.

Truth #4: I think senior year is going by way too fast! It always seems like the years go by really slow, and now when I want it to go slow, it is flying by, and I don't like it! I don't feel like I am old enough to be graduating. I feel like I need more time before it's all over.

Truth #5: Last night I ushered for a play, and when I was driving home there was a big patch of ice at the stop sign in my neighborhood. So, I am driving along and try to stop at the stop sign and my brakes don't do anything, and I just slide! It was scary, but there were no other cars so it was alright.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2010 in pics

So, sorry it didn't get out the next day, but things happened and got in the way. But tomorrow will be the third day in a row my school will be out for snow! I'm pretty sure that is a school record! We are usually lucky to get one every other year. haha. But more on that later. Without further delay here was my year in pictures.



Hope your year was as exciting as mine and looking foward to a great 2011.

Monday, January 3, 2011

goodbye 2010, hello 2011

So, as 2010 has come to a close I figured it would be a good thing to have a recap of my year. Here is what I have accomplished (or more like done funwise) this past year.

      -had a snow day
      -best friends birthday/surprise party
      -Mom's birthday
      -my birthday
      -Chelsea's birthday
      -our chocolate birthday party
      -another snow day
      -met one of my now best friends
      -Interact Convention
      -Spring Break
      -took the ACT ugh!
      -started Zumba
          -Junior prom
      -Dance recital
      -graduation for my senior friends :(
      -work at the baseball fields
      -best friend left for AL
      -CMA Fest
      -Riverbend Fest
      -senior pictures eek!
      -4th of July
      -lots of tie dye parties
      -first day of senior year
      -Katie's 9th birthday party
      -beginning of epic football season
      -more football games
      -Disney (sorry I never posted that, I'll post a picture recap tomorrow)
      -MTSU homecoming game for A's birthday
      -National Honor Society Halloween party
      -football playoff games
      -LAX tourney with bff
      -UTC visit day with other bff
      -Black Friday shopping at midnight
      -NHS Christmas party
      -snow day
      -Christmas Concert of chorus
      -Movie and game nights
      -Christmas awesomness
      -Battle of the bands in Nashville
      -Music City Bowl
      -New Year's Party epicness
It was a pretty epic year and I hope that 2011 will top it! So, until tomorrow.