Saturday, November 13, 2010

So, I lied...

I really meant to get my Disney posts done last weekend, but then things happened and then the week happened and now this weekend is half over. Great. But I will get them up eventully, even if it is a slow process.
So, to make it up I will tell you about what's been going on lately.

So, last weekend I went to a lacrosse tournament. It is the most violent sport ever. They beat each other with those metal sticks and have no leg padding! It was crazy, but actually pretty boring. I will not be doing that again. And to think I use to really want to play. sigh.

About 2 weeks ago, I bought the new Kings of Leon and Taylor Swift albums. They are both amazing! But I am totally obsessed with Taylor's. It is ridiculous how much I love it. I swear, it's the only thing I have listened to in the car for 2 weeks. I can never choose a favorite song either, it changes daily, but I would greatly recommend both of these cd's.

My high school football team is in the third round of the state playoffs this year. It is the farthest the team has gone in like 20 years, so that is very exciting! Hope for another win at our first away playoff this Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


1 comment:

S said...

Glad to hear the cds are fabulous!
I haven't picked either of them up yet :(