Saturday, May 1, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars....

So, I just realized exactly how long it has been since I have written like an actual post. Too long. I will do my best to try to remember everything that happened since then and get it all down.

I guess I'll start with that field trip I took so long ago. Let me just tell you that after that trip I officially love hockey. The End.

I started going to Zumba class and it's really fun. And it's an amazing workout. I just wish I didn't have so much else to do so I could go more often. But hopefully there will be summer classes!!

One weekend was Battle of the Bands and Miss Tullahoma and they were really fun, but that was a very hectic weekend oh and that was when I finally saw The Last Song. So good, but lots of crying.


Me and my friend Krystal have come up with the most brilliant idea that is going to make us rich and famous one day haha. We are going to take our favorite characters from Twilight, The Hunger Games, House of Night series, The Mortal Instruments series, and The Host and we're gonna mash them all into one and make a super book! We're gonna make videos about it and put them on YouTube!

And well the most important thing that has happened since my last post was PROM!!!!
It was very fun. I got my hair done and it took 2 and a half flipping hours! Crazy but it looked amazing! Then I went to Chelsea's and got dressed super fast so we could go to take pictures at Andrew's. We took pictures for a while and went to eat at Cortner's Mill. It was pretty good there. And then since we had like a million years before prom started we drove around for a very long time. We finally went to prom and it was very fun!! More fun than I was expecting. Then after we went to Chelsea's house and we all slept in the garage. We watched The Blair Witch Project with her parents and then they went in to "go to bed" but they really went inside and when we were watching The Hangover they started beating on the garage door and we were all screaming and when Chelsea went to go lock the door her dad hit it and she ran and jumped on the blankets and scraped her knee on the thing of salsa. It was so crazy. But we finally went to bed like officially at four in the morning! And let me tell you I am still recovering.

Well, that's about all I have for you right now. I will try to do a better job of posting more often which should be easier now that all the hectic-ness is over with. So, until next time.



chelsea said...

prom was pretty rad. and i have been lacking in the posting department myself.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I think that if all of those fictional characters were mashed into one, we would die because the world would explode! So hot!

ConnieB said...

I should've had my husband take me to see The Last Song for a mother's day gift... how did I not think of that! I really want to see it!