Friday, January 29, 2010

Can't Hardly Wait

Thst is the movie that I am watching at this moment and I believe that everyone should go and watch it, seriously. So, I'm really not so good at this blogging thing. I never can really think of anything to post like ever, and when I can I don't have time to actually blog, and by the time I do have time I forgot my great idea. It's a pretty sad story. So as always I will just tell you of things in my life.

So I finished my term paper which is like a huge weight off of my shoulder. So that is part of the reason for lack of blogging. At first it was to just work on it and then I just needed a lot of time to recover. If I never had to do one again I would more than be happy, but unfortunately I know I will have more. Sad.
I got some really cool dance footundies. I have needed some of these for like 2 years, but I finally just went and ordered myself some. They are amazing!

Scrubs! This is the funniest show ever that I had never wanted to watch. But after hearing Chelsea talk about its funnyness for so long I decided to watch. And it was amazing. Everyone should watch it!

I wish I could be as cool as the guys from The Buried Life. Like literally I wish I could just marry one of them or even just meet them. One of these days I will get around to making my own list of a hundred things to do.

So me and Chelsea are going to have the most awesomest Chocoholic 17th birthday party there ever was. Yea, it's gonna be awesome. And then we are going to see the most awesome movie of all time to ever come out, Dear John! Hooray!

Well, that's all I have to say right now and tonight I will finally watch The Hangover and see what everyone is so in love with. I will let you know what I think later. Oh yeah and we got out of school early today! Hooray! But boo to the school board for making us go at all.



Sarah said...

I want to marry a guy from The Buried Life too!! AND I watched The hangover last night too!!! Soooo funny

Adrian said...

They are amazing! I know it was so great!

chelsea said...

I want one of them! I have never seen the show but it looks cool! Let me know if the Hangover is hilarious like people say! Scrubs=awesomeness.

Adrian said...

You need to watch the show and the hangover pronto. They are so good!

E said...

Footundies look like they would be great for yoga. What do you think?

Adrian said...

Yeah, they probably would be because they have a good grip.